The malignancy that pervades a blighted Britain

Ken Livingstone

There is something very unsavoury about those elected to civic office in the UK and Europe who use that public platform to spread their contempt for the Jews and then when confronted with charges of anti-Semitism become offended.  Their beef, they explain, as some half-cocked apology, is not with the Jews but with the Zionists and as if to endorse the statement, they proceed to Israel-bashing, that convenient scapegoat that must absorb all blame for the evils of the world. And yes, I am writing of my total abhorrence not only at comments made by the unsavoury lefty left UK Jew-baiters and haters but of the sheer lunacy of the British people to accept this outrageous effrontery. The Labour party, traditionally a friend to Israel, has been hijacked by the hijab.  Harold Wilson would turn in his grave.

Harold Wilson

Time was when the British working classes took to boycotts and pickets to protect their pay-packets and privileges. Back in the day, the miners went on strike for the miners and hard-line trade unionists cared far less about some tiny, far-flung fledgeling Jewish State than they did about protecting their jobs.  The issue was having enough dough to put bread on the table at the end of a long day down the mines. It was all about jobs and fair play and milk for the schoolkids. Time was when foreign policy was all about protecting the interests of the UK to the benefit of the UK.

IslamicRepublicOfBritainNot anymore. In a bid to be a multicultural beacon, Blighty  (Great Britain) all but invites Islamic seeds to take root and grow and flourish in British soil. As a fast spreading weed, it strangles tender plants in its wake. It’s now a case of the soon-to-become minority of right-minded folk having to put up and shut up if it wants to survive in this last bastion of the empire that free falls into the abyss of political correctness. A bizarre identity with Islamization is the new political tool of lefty left MPs who use it to appease local constituents as they set out their ‘new world order’ telling their minions what they want to hear.

The British Jew, traditionally hard working, patriotic to Queen and country and religiously and spiritually connected to the State of Israel once again finds himself a target for scorn. Anti-Semitism, once exclusively the domain of the politically incorrect, is endorsed by a haphazard collective of intellectually contorted extremists forming a coalition of hatred that feeds off the idiosyncrasies of the other. This unholy collective focusses on the Jewish State, the State of Israel. And by doing so, they gain legitimacy because it is OK to criticise a country. It is a democratic human right that one enjoys when living in the West – freedom of speech. In short, demonising Israel is the more politically correct form of anti-Semitism these days.

13083343_10210150728471497_6607443144213802397_nHuman rights? Interestingly, many of those who engage in zealous criticism of Israel hail from countries where human rights do not exist, where repression rules and freedom of speech comes with the death penalty.  The likes of George Galloway, Ken Livingstone and yes, even the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, flagrantly wield a patently anti-Jewish agenda.   They share the same malignancy and happily stand on the same stage with those who screech ‘death to Israel’ and ‘free Palestine’ alongside white supremacy groups, neo-Nazis sporting Swastikas and the dubious self-hating Jew – she who pours scorn against the very holy land, Israel, towards which she faces when she prays in the synagogue. This slapdash collective spew revulsion on Israel from the capitals of Europe and find friends in high office who condone their actions because they are united under the veil of ‘it is OK to criticise a country.’  

whose-law-members-of-islam4uk-leave-a-london-press-conference-in-januaryWhen opinion is skewed by ignorance, when loyalties are greased by a well-oiled Pallywood propaganda machine and when informed and credible facts fall on deaf ears, as they so often do, it is no wonder that London has become Londonistan as Melanie Phillips most prophetically named it some ten years ago, in her book of the same name wherein she evidenced that radical Islamic demands are being appeased by multiculturalism rather than challenged by common sense. Londonistan, Paristan and all the other Europanistans are just one heartbeat away from the next big terrorist attack and yet, the greatest ally of the free world in this war on terror is lambasted because she is the State of Israel – the Jewish State.

The State of Israel puts the security of its citizens above all and does it in the most humane way possible given the daily, hourly, minute by minute knife-wielding walking threats that pervade its peace. I would think that this is a policy to be envied not held in contempt.

It begs the question, is the rabid anti-Israel stance a symptom of the malignancy that pervades a blighted Britain?